Honor in the finalist for the 2023 R&D Award 1004
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普渡大學機械工程系的 Martin Byung-Guk Jun 教授蒞臨歐美科技,參觀歐美科技領先業界的 TSV 量測機台。本次交流重點圍繞在 TSV 檢測方面的創新技術,這些技術對於確保3D集成電路 (3D IC) 的可靠性至關重要。在參訪過程中,進行機台系統演示,展現設備在精準度與效率上的卓越表現。本次交流為雙方在相關領域的合作奠定了良好的基礎。 https://www.omsure.com/zh/hot_503713.html Professor Martin Byung-Guk Jun from Purdue University Mechanical Engineering Department Visit 2024-12-16 2025-12-16
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R&D 100 Finalists for 2023 are announced
(Source: https://www.rdworldonline.com/rd-100-finalists-for-2023-are-announced/)
(August 15, 2023, By Paul Heney)

"A total of 156 Finalists for the 2023 R&D 100 Awards have been announced by R&D World magazine. This renowned worldwide science and innovation competition, celebrating its 61st year,received entries from 15 different countries and regions. This year’s esteemed judging panel included 45 well-respected industry professionals from across the world. ...."

Our team's product "Innovative Solution Provider for 3D-IC Packaging Inspection3D-Inspection" co-developed with ITRI has earned the honorable distinction of being a finalist for the 2023 R&D 100 Award.

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